

FOI can analyse energy systems with regard to climate aspects, security of supply and security policy.

Close up of electric plug

In this area we work on questions relating both to today’s dependence on energy and to the future development of the energy system. In the future-oriented studies we pay particular attention to such aspects as the linkage between climate change policy and energy security. The security policy aspects of energy supply have been studied at FOI for many years with particular emphasis on the role of Russia.

Research projects and analyses in this area have been conducted for bodies including the Swedish Energy Agency, the Ministry of Defence, the Swedish Armed Forces, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), the Swedish Institute for Transport and Communi­cations Analysis (SIKA) and the Swedish Fortifications Agency. In this area we work with other agencies including Lund University, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Stockholm Environment Institute.

The group’s work spans the whole range from method and concept development to security policy analyses, reviews and syntheses of existing knowledge relating to different aspects of the energy system (for example renewable energy or the energy usage in various sectors). Scenarios are a tool that can be used in various ways to analyse future energy develop­ment. Another tool is the Energy Analysis Program (EAP) model used to analyse how consumption affects energy use and climate impact.


Last updated: 2020-10-14