
Underwater Research

In the field of underwater research FOI conducts investigations and technology development to the benefit of defence, security and environment.

Experiment in tanklaboratory in Kista

The research primarily supports the Swedish Armed Forces in maintaining and developing operations in shallow coastal waters and at sea both nationally and internationally. We support military applications such as submarine operations, submarine hunting, protection of sea lines of communications and mine warfare as well as civilian applications such as investigation of noise impact on the underwater environment. By combining different research methods, e.g. simulation, modelling and signal analysis with experimental research FOI has acquired a unique competence in acoustics, electromagnetics, maritime measurement systems, signal processing and design of submarines and surface ships.

Research is mainly financed through commissions from the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration but also from civilian authorities and clients abroad. To some extent the research is conducted in collaboration with universities as well as research institutes, nationally and internationally.

This field focuses mainly on physical and numerical modelling of field problems in hydroacoustics, acoustic wave propagation, scattering and corresponding inverse problems but also to some extent aeroacoustics, seismology and elastodynamics. The field also comprises skills in theoretical and computational fluid dynamics including, e.g., turbulence, flow induced noise at low Mach-numbers, fluid-structure interaction, propulsion and cavitation. The field includes skills in applied mathematics, numerical methods, software development, computer systems, measurement techniques and marine biology.

This field focuses mainly in physical and numerical modelling of electromagnetic field problems in electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic wave propagation, scattering and corresponding inverse problems. The field includes skills in applied mathematics, numerical methods, software development, computer systems and measurement techniques.

This field focuses mainly on detection, classification and localization of targets using signals from active or passive underwater sensor systems as well as developing methods for underwater communication. The field includes skills in adaptive and statistical signal processing, array signal processing and signal processing methods to support sonar operators, sensor and communication networks, fusion of sensor information, sonar techniques for submarine and surface vessels as well as the signal impact of the underwater environment in shallow waters.


Last updated: 2024-03-12