Resultat och presentationer
Forskningen inom SECURIT har lett till följande resultat.
- Security culture and information technology
Publikationsnummer: MSB1222 - Accepted
Lundgren B, Möller N. Defining Information Security
Science and Engineering Ethics - Accepted
Lundgren B. The Concept of Anonymity: What is really at Stake?
Macnish and Galliot, Big Data and the Democratic Process - Accepted
Lundgren B. Need Semantic Information be Truthful?
Synthese - Accepted
Karlsson F, Frostenson M, Prenkert F, Kolkowska E, Helin S. Inter-organisational information sharing in the public sector: a longitudinal case study on the reshaping of success factors
Government Information Quarterly
- Hallberg J, Johansson P, Karlsson F, Lundberg F, Lundgren B, & Törner M. (Red.). Informationssäkerhet och organisationskultur
Studentlitteratur - Hallberg J, Bengtsson J, Hallberg N, Karlzén H, Sommestad T. The Significance of Information Security Risk Assessments Exploring the Consensus of Raters’ Perceptions of Probability and Severity Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
International conference on Security and Management, pp. 131–137. - Sommestad, T. , Karlzén, H., Hallberg, J. The Theory of Planned Behavior and Information Security Policy Compliance
Journal of Computer Information Systems. Taylor & Francis, pp. 1–10. - Woltjer, R. Workarounds and Trade-offs in Information Security – an Exploratory Study
Information and Computer Security 25(4), pp. 402–420. Emerald - Lundgren B. IACAP (International Association of Computing and Philosophy). Conceptualising the Values of Anonymity in the 21st Century and Beyond
Stanford University, June 26-28, Stanford, USA - Karlsson F, Karlsson M, Åström J. Measuring employees’ compliance – the importance of value pluralism
Information & Computer Security - Hellberg, S. & Johansson, P. eHealth strategies and platforms - the issue of health equity in Sweden
Health Policy and Technology - Karlsson F, Hedström K, Goldkuhl G. Practice-Based Discourse Analysis of Information Security Policies
Computers & Security - Kolkowska, E, Karlsson F, Hedström K. Towards analysing the rationale of information security non-compliance: Devising a Value-Based Compliance analysis method
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
- Karlsson F, Kolkowska E, Prenkert F. Inter-organisational information security: a systematic literature review.
Information and Computer Security - Bergstrand, F. Leveraging Bystander Reports in Emergency Response Work: Framing Emergency Managers Social Media Use
Information systems conference, HICCS - Uhr, Johansson, Landgren J, Holmberg, Bynander, Koelega and Trnka. Once upon a time in Västmanland - the power of narratives or how the "truth" unfolds
In proceedings of ISCRAM16, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
- Lundgren B. Information Security and Resilience: The Right Definition
Poster Session, Third Deans Forum Workshop on Resilience Engineering, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan - Lundgren B. The Information Liar Paradox: A Problem for Floridi's RSDI Definition
Philosophy and Technology 28(2): 323-327 - T.Sommestad, H.Karlzén, P.Nilsson and J.Hallberg. An empirical test of the perceived relationship between risk and the constituents severity and probability
Special issue of Information and Computer Security, Vol. 24 Iss: 2 - Uhr, C., Frykmer, T., Koelega, S., Cedergårdh , E., Ekman, O., Fredholm, L., & Landgren J. Att åstadkomma inriktning och samordning – 7 analyser utifrån hanteringen av skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014
Centrum för samhällets resiliens, Lunds universitet - Löfstedt, T. Exploring integrated management systems – challenges and potentials in relation to IT governance
38th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS38 - Karlsson, F., Kolkowska, K., Hedström, K., & Frostenson, M. Inter-organisational information sharing – between a rock and a hard place. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
9th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA) - Karlsson, F., Goldkuhl, G., & Hedström, K. Practice-based Discourse Analysis of InfoSec Policies.
30th International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC) - Sommestad, T., Karlzén, H., Nilsson, P., & Hallberg, J. Perceived information security risk as a function of probability and severity. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA) - Johansson, P. & Hellberg, S. Health, Privacy and (Information) Security: Competing Discourses in eHealth Programmes and Genome Data Regulations.
The International Studies Association Annual Convention - Sommestad, T., Karlzén, H. and Hallberg, J. A Meta-Analysis of Studies on Protection Motivation Theory and Information Security Behaviour.
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), Vol. 9, Iss. 1. - Jonas Hallberg1, Tom Andersson2, Joakim Berndtsson3, Magnus Frostenson4, Sven Ove Hansson5, Karin Hedström4, Sofie Hellberg3, Björn Johansson1, Peter Johansson3, Fredrik Karlsson4, Martin Karlsson4, Henrik Karlzén1, Ella Kolkowska4, Björn Lundgren5, Niklas Möller5, Tomas Olovsson6, Anders Pousette3, Frans Prenkert4, Kalle Räisänen4, Maria Skyvell Nilsson3, Teodor Sommestad1, Patrik Thunholm7, Marianne Törner3, Rogier Woltjer1, Joachim Åström4, Svante Ödman2
1Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 2Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), 3University of Gothenburg, 4Örebro University, 5Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 6Chalmers University of Technology, 7Linköping University. Definition of information security culture, FOI Memo 5253 - Sommestad T. Social groupings and information security obedience subcultures within organizations
30th International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC) - Karlsson, F., Åström, J., & Karlsson, M. Information security culture – state-of-the-art review between 2000 and 2013 Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 23, Iss. 3, pp. 246-285
- Franc K. (MsC LiU). Vårdanställdas efterlevnad av informationssäkerhetspolicys – faktorer som påverkar efterlevnaden Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
- Skyvell-Nilsson et al. Safety or Security? Formation of Information Security Culture in Health Care
3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare - Sommestad et al. A Meta-Analysis of Studies on PMT and Information Security Behavior
Dewald Roode Information Security Workshop - Sommestad et al. The Sufficiency of the TPB for Information Security Policy Compliance
Information Management and Computer Security - Karlsson et al. Practice-Based Discourse Analysis of Information Security Policy in Health Care Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
11th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2014)
- Räisänen K. Standard-making in Information Security – A Literature Review
7th Workshop on Information Security and Privacy. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), Paper 31 - Hallberg et al. SECURIT poster
5th Resilience Engineering Association Symposium (REA5) - Hallberg et al. User Acceptance of Information Security Policies
Poster and abstract at the National Symposium on Technology and Methodology for Security and Crisis Management (TAMSEC). - Sommestad et al. A review of the theory of planned behaviour in the context of information security policy compliance
Proc. of the 28th IFIP TC-11 SEC. Auckland, New Zealand - Sommestad et al. Variables influencing information security policy compliance: a systematic review of quantitative studies Information Management & Computer Security
Övriga resultat
- 2017-09-05—06 Slideshow
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT Pdf, 2.2 MB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Jonas Hallberg och Henrik Karlzén, FOI
MSB’s National information security conference for the public sector
- 2017-03- Presentation
Discourse and Security Practice
Peter Johansson, Göteborgs universitet
Department of History at Lund Universit - 2017-08-25—27 Presentation
What is Culture?
Björn Lundgren, KTH
Filosofidagarna, Uppsala University - 2017-05-16 Presentation
The Definition of Privacy: Privacy as a Relational Concept
Björn Lundgren, KTH
Invited talk at Turku University
- 2016-11-02 Presentation
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT Pdf, 800.1 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Jonas Hallberg, FOI
Annual seminar called the IT security day (sv. IT-säkerhetsdagen) arranged by FOI - 2016-09-15 Presentation
Balanced IT-based Organizational development
Jonas Landgren, Göteborgs universitet
MSB’s National information security conference for the public sector - 2016-09-15 Presentation
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT
Jonas Hallberg, FOI
MSB’s National information security conference for the public sector - 2016-06-09—10 Seminar
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT Pdf, 7.9 MB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Jonas Hallberg, FOI
Swedish IT Security Network for PhD Students (SWITS) - 2016-03-11 Conference
Informationssäkerhetskultur inom och mellan organisationer
Kunskapsdag med fem seminarier om informationssäkerhetskultur.
Varför behövs forskning om informationssäkerhetskultur?
Jonas Hallberg, FOI
Vad är säker information? En kritisk diskussion
Björn Lundgren, KTH
En balanserad IT-utveckling – är den möjlig?
Jonas Landgren, Chalmers
Kultur, arbetssituationer och beteenden: hur påverkas informationssäkerheten?
Joachim Åström, Fredrik Karlsson och Martin Karlsson, Örebro universitet
När synen på informationssäkerhet kolliderar
Frans Prenkert, Magnus Frostenson och Fredrik Karlsson, Örebro universitet
- 2015-11-12 Seminar
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT
Jonas Hallberg, FOI
MSB forskardag - 2015-09-18 Open seminar
Informationssäkerhetsbestämmelser: vem följer dom och när följs dom?
Teodor Sommestad, FOI
MSB forskarlunch - 2015-09-17 Open seminar
Perspektiv på värden och värdekonflikter hos aktörer inom området e-hälsa
Peter Johansson & Sofie Hellberg, Göteborgs universitet
MSB forskarlunch - 2015-09-17 Open seminar
Formeringen av informationssäkerhetskultur i vården: Vårdpersonalens perspektiv på värden och värdekonflikter
Marianne Törner, Göteborgs universitet & Maria Skyvell-Nilsson, Högskolan Väst
MSB forskarlunch - 2015-06-12—14 Presentation
Why semantic information is only meaningful data
Björn Lundgren, KTH
Presented at The Swedish Philosophy Conference, Linköping. Previous working-title: “A Minimalistic Definition of Semantic Information”. - 2015-05-12—13 Collaborative sessions
Society, integrity and cyber-security
Jonas Hallberg, FOI Workshop arranged by NordForsk, The Economic and Social Research Council
in United Kingdom (ESRC) and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), London, UK. - 2015-03-06 Presentation
Information Security Education
Jonas Landgren, Göteborgs universitet
Västra Götalandsregionen. Contact person: Monika Göransson, VGR - 2015-02-21 Panel
Health, Privacy and (Information) Security: Competing Discourses in eHealth Programmes and Genome Data Regulations Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Peter Johansson & Sofie Hellberg, University of Gothenburg
The International Studies Association’s (ISA) 56th Annual Convention, February 18-21 2015, New Orleans, USA. - 2015-02-04 Presentation
Whistleblowers, Information Security, and the Freedom to Disclose
Information Peter Johansson & Joakim Berndtsson, University of Gothenburg
Urban Safety and Societal Security - URBSEC seminar series 2014-2015
- 2014-12-17 Collaborative session
Sweden's Security Culture and Information Technology
(SECURIT) Initiative Teodor Sommestad, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
DHS Cyber Security Division R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop - 2014-11-27 Presentation
Security culture and information technology, SECURIT Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Jonas Hallberg, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
NordForsk joint Nordic Conference on New trends in societal security research in the Nordic countries, 26-27 November 2014, Stockholm - 2014-11-20 Presentation
Björn Lundgren, KTH
Security Link, Linköpings Universitet - 2014-11-14 Seminar
ATTITUDE: survey on organisational culture and information security
Fredrik Karlsson, Örebro University
Örebro University - 2014-10-07 Presentation
Attityder till informationssäkerhet
Fredrik Karlsson, Örebro University
Örebro University - 2014-08-26 Panel
SECURIT participated in a panel discussion in the conference "Informationssäkerhet för offentlig sektor"
Karin Axelsson1, Jonas Hallberg2, Fredrik Karlsson3, Anders Pousette4, Teodor Sommestad2 and Marianne Törner 1Linköping University, 2Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 3Örebro University, 4University of Gothenburg
Annual conference Informationssäkerhet för offentlig sektor in Stockholm - 2014-01-30 Seminar
Standard making in Information Security
Kalle Räisänen, Örebro University
Örebro University
- 2013-12-10 Seminar
Jonas Hallberg and Teodor Sommestad, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
Säkerhetskulturnätverket Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. seminar in Stockholm - 2013-11-13 Presentation
Overview of SECURIT
Jonas Hallberg, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
National Symposium on Technology and Methodology for Security and Crisis Management (TAMSEC) - 2013-06-04 Presentation
Overview of SECURIT
Jonas Hallberg, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
Annual seminar of the Swedish IT Security Network for PhD Students (SWITS) in Malmö, 3 to 4 June 2013 - 2013-05-28 Presentation
Information sharing and information security in emergency response work
Jonas Landgren, Göteborgs universitet
Svenska Laboratorieresponsnätverket. Contact person: Erik Heed, SVA - 2013-05-15 International research seminar
Information security
Fredrik Karlsson, Örebro University
International research seminar on Information security was organized by SECURIT in Örebro