FOI Gender Equality
This webpage is describing and clarifying the ongoing FOI work on gender mainstreaming, in relation to the European Commission’s requirements of a Gender Equality Plan. Read more about FOI´s work with gender mainstreaming in different perspectives. You find the formal document at the bottom of this page.
FOI:s work with gender mainstreaming in different perspectives
Work-life balance and organisational culture
FOI promotes an inclusive and sustainable working life according to our policy. This is emphasised in the strategy, FOI 2025, where a healthy work climate consisting of trust and responsibility, with mutual kindness and respect, represent an essential component of our organisational culture. On a yearly basis, FOI conducts salary survey based on the discrimination ground gender. Once a year employee interviews, including questions about work-life balance, are carried out resulting in individual action plans.
FOI is facilitating the possibility of combining work with parenthood. Our working time agreement makes it possible for our employees to combine working life with parenthood.
Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
Attracting, retaining and continuously developing a high level of competence is the basis of FOI's operations. All employees' different knowledge and experiences are important to reach FOI´s goals. Actively working with issues related to gender equality and inclusion strengthens the ability to reach these goals now and in the future. Gender balance in leadership supports diversity in thoughts, experiences, knowledge, ideas and perspectives. At FOI this is especially important regarding Managing Directors (all positions) and project leaders within the research activities.
The gender balance within FOI is accounted for annually to the Swedish government and is presented in the FOI annual report [3].
Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
FOI is working with a competence based recruitment process. This means a structured process based on a thorough analysis of the requirements for the specific recruitment. To work thoroughly with the analysis of the requirement profile helps to define if the requirements are relevant in relation to the work description, which avoids indirect discrimination and ensures a gender-neutral assessment. The interviews and possible tests are also structured based on the requirement profile, which helps to focus on the candidate's actual skills and leads to a reduced risk of discrimination. Material to support the recruiting manager to prevent discrimination in recruitment and promotion is listed in the FOI guidelines regarding recruitment.
Integration of the gender dimension into research content
A gender perspective must always be taken into account in research activities conducted at FOI. This means that women and men’s conditions have to be considered if relevant in all research projects.[4] In 2019 FOI introduced a mandatory analysis of the gender dimension in the contents of the research that is reported in the project plans. Guidelines for the analysis is published on FOI internal webb.
Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment
FOI has a zero tolerance regarding discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment – this is clearly stated in FOI’s policy for a sustainable work environment. On FOI:s internal website there is information about where to turn for help. Employee surveys at FOI include questions about discrimination and sexual harassment.
FOI does not accept that employees are exposed to threats, hatred, online hatred or violence at work. FOI maps and investigates the risks of threats, hatred, online hatred and violence that may exist in connection with the work and takes the general measures needed to prevent such situations. The risk assessment for the specific operations for employees takes place as close to the work as possible and is carried out by the personnel manager together with the relevant employees at unit meetings or when it is deemed necessary based on the situation.
[1] Horizion Europe Gender Equality.pdf External link, opens in new window.
[2] Jämställdhetsintegrering, External link, opens in new window.
[3] FOI Årsredovisning
[4] Gender perspective on research,
The document FOI Gender Equality Pdf, 136.7 kB, opens in new window. is compiled to describe and clarify FOI’s organisational work on gender mainstreaming, in relation to the European Commission’s initiative of a Gender Equality Plan as an eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe. The signed document FOI Gender Equality (scanned) Pdf, 3.6 MB, opens in new window..