Submarine tracking by means of passive sonobuoys. 1. Design of a simulation model and system


  • Wahlstedt Alexander
  • Fredriksson Jesper
  • Jöred Karsten
  • Svensson Per

Publish date: 1997-05-02

Report number: FOA-R--96-00386-505

Pages: 47

Written in: English


This report treats part of the problem of optimal placement of sonobuoys with the purpose of detecting and tracking hostile submarines in a shallow water, archipelagic scenario. The methods - the Hyperbolic Fix Method and the Sonar Equation - used to estimate the position of a submarine and its stochastic variance using (simulated) passive sonobuoys are described. Further, the report contains a description of the final goal of the simulation system. Finally, the function and architecture of the currently completed programs Path Editor and SubTrack, version 1, are described.