From Taiwan to Taliban; Two Danger Zones in Asia


  • Kiesow Ingolf
  • Oldberg Ingmar
  • Jonson Lena
  • Schlyter Oscar
  • Jonson Pål
  • Sandström Emma

Publish date: 2002-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0393--SE

Pages: 407

Written in: English


The end of the cold War has not resulted in a détente in Asia. Most burning is the ambition of China to incorporate Taiwan, which is opposed by USA. This conflict is reinforced by the desire of USA and neighbouring countries in Asia to keep the sea-lanes open on one hand and China´sclaims on the South China Sea on the other hand. China´s modernisation if its nuclear arsenal and the U.S. programme for a Ballistic Missile defence also reinforces the conflict of interests. China´s accession to the WTO is working in the World Trade center on 11 September 2001 and the ensuing american war against terrorism has changed the strategic picture of central and South Asia. Politically fragile states in central Asia are facing more complicated problems because of the American presence only on its eastern side. The antagonism between the two nuclear powers of India and Pakistan increases, while USA tries to maintain good relations with both of them. China is traditionally supporting Pakistan.