Future development of ground combat - A report from work within FoRMA/PErp 2001
Publish date: 2002-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0403--SE
Pages: 46
Written in: Swedish
Many ground combat trends are common in Western countries, e.g. emphasis on networks, precision weapons, urban terrain, strategically transportable lighter units and missions at lower levels of conflict. Development in some European countries and USA is covered by the report. Of special interest is the US development aiming at a medium force, in the future without compromising firepower or protection, by using the Future Combat system. This includes a new generation of light armoured vehicles and unmanned vehicles. Precision strikes offer new possibilities in using platform-based systems to defeat ground targets, but will affect command and control, organization and intelligence requirements of ground combat units. Military operations on urban terrain are demanding to units, and situational awareness will have to be achieved using new systems. Urban terain will be a natural environment to most ground combat units in the future. Military policing and anti-terrorism will also be important missions, which may require specially adapted units and special forces. For Sweden, a number of important issues and choices are presented. Examples are light-medium-heavy forces, firepower for airmobile units, unmanned vehicles for ground combat units and communication and sensor units for soldiers. Also presented are outlines of a number of concepts and types of units.