Simulations of an exclusion algorithm for target positioning in AASR


  • Kaijser Thomas

Publish date: 2002-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0690--SE

Pages: 50

Written in: English


This report describes a method to determine the positions and the velocities of targets in the air, when one has a network of radar stations at which both monostatic and bistatic measurements are obtained, such as in AASR (Associative Aperture Synthesis Radar). The idea of the method is to split the 6-dimensional search volume iteratively into smaller and smaller sets, checking at each iteration whether the measurements obtained at the radar stations are compatible with having a target within the set under consideration. A valuable property of the method is that it is applicable also when the targets have stealth properties. Other nice properties are that it is quite easy to implement and that it is well suited for parallel processing. The main drawback is the long computation time. Besides presenting an implementation of the method, the report also describes the results from some computer experiments, the purpose of which is to illustrate the method with respect to precision and computation time, and to lay the basis for a comparison with more direct methods for determining positions and velocities of the targets.