Afghanistan and Central Asia after September 11 - the Security-Political Development
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0821--SE
Pages: 88
Written in: English
The security-political situation has changed considerably in both Afghanistan and the post-Soviet Central Asian states in connection with the Operation Enduring Freedom and the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The international anti-terrorist coalitions´presence has increased the interest also from other states for the region - security-politically, foreign politically and economically. The external security-political situation has improved in the region during the year 2002, but the relations between several of the countries in the region remain tense and there is a constant risk for local conflicts across the borders that might escalate. The renewed strength of the narcotics traficking from Afghanistan to Central Asia during 2002 further heightens the border tensions. However, the primary threats against the stability in the Central Asian states and Afghanistan are internal and this development has grown worse during the year 2000. Despite the increase in international economic aid to the region in 2002, the economic prospects remain generally poor for the majority of the people in the region, which exacerbates the discontent and antagonism against the regimes in the region. Consequently, the region remains unstable and there are many threats against a peaceful development despite the improved external security-political conditions during 2002.