From sensors to decision - towards improved situation awareness in a network centric defence
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1041--SE
Pages: 46
Written in: English
The work described in this report concerns an information system for target recognition. The information system includes a query language for heterogeous sensor data sources. Currently the information system works on four sensor types, i.e. laser radar (scanning and gated viewing), IR-camera and CCD. Methods for analysis of data from these sensor types have been implemented as well. The query language, called SigmaQL, includes means for sensor data fusion and sensor data independence. The latter aspect is supported by means of an ontology and its knowledge base. The information system is also equipped with a powerful visual user interface that allows the users to apply their queries in a simple way that is due to the sensor data independence concept. One of the main purposes with SigmaQL is to support situation awareness and for this reason a subsystem including means for this is being developed. To improve the aspects of situation awareness the information system includes means for generation of a terrain model with a very high resolution. A further purpose of the terrain model is to allow determination of various terrain features that generally are difficult to identify in traditional terrain models. The data used for the determination of the terrain model comes from the laser radar system. This report concerns the research within the ISM project performed during 2001 through 2003.