Adabtable signature materials 2004


  • Kariis Hans
  • Björkert Stefan
  • Forssell Göran
  • Hallberg Tomas
  • Jänis Anna
  • Karlsson Eva H
  • Nilsson Christina
  • Ousbäck Jan-Olof
  • Ribbing Carl-Gustaf
  • Rung Andreas
  • Strifors Hans

Publish date: 2004-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1412--SE

Pages: 34

Written in: Swedish


The project "Adaptable signature materials" was started in 2004 to meet the new demands on flexible signature management put upon in an everchanging mission-oriented defence. The new sensor threats emerging from multi- and hyperspectral sensors connected in a network centric warfare will be addressed. Within the project several classes of materials and systems of materials with potential for adaptability are studied. In this report, the background of the Swedish Armed Forces´ need for research in the field of flexible signature management is described. The research activities and publications within all the sub-projects are presented as well as national and international cooperation with other actors within the field. At the end a forecast for the future research needs in the area of adaptable signature management is given. The project "Adaptable Signature Materials" will end in 2005 and is expected to be followed by a project more oriented to the development of a signature demonstrator material. The goal of the coming project will be to 2007 demonstrate a material that possesses interesting properties in the visible, IR and radar regions and has adaptable reflectance in at least one of the regions.