Final report: nanocomposite materials
Publish date: 2004-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1524--SE
Pages: 14
Written in: English
This report summarises the activities and results of the project: nanocomposite materials during the period 2000-2004. The report describes the various activities and reports produced in the project. The project has introduced nanocomposite materials and their potential for defence applications, of which there are many, particularly in applications demanding multifunctionality such as UAV´s. Research activities have included synthesis and characterization of ferrite nanoparticles, their surface functionalization, dispersion in an epoxy matrix, and characterization of the microwave and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites produced. The latter charaterization will be completed and reported during the first two quarters of 2005, within a cooperating project: tunable signature materials. The project has contributed greatly to improving the awareness of nanocomposites and their properties and applications within Swedish defence organisations, especially FMV and FOI. It can be concluded that polymer matrix nanocomposites can be produced, and that they are likely to be used in defence materiel over a period stretching from the next few years to several decades in the future. The project has created an extenstive network of national and international cooperating partners.