Evaluation of the contamination by explosives and metals in soils at the Älvdalen Shooting Range. Part 1. Investigation strategies and sampling
Publish date: 2005-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1619--SE
Pages: 47
Written in: English
In May 2003, representatives from the Netherlands, Canada and Sweden participated in a joint field investigation of the shooting range Älvdalen in Dalarna, Sweden. the investigation was part of a trilateral agreement, Project Arrangement Number 2003-02, between the three countries concerning Environmental Aspects of Energetic Materials. The aim was to demonstrate how to approach and characterize a site contaminated by explosives. The shooting range has an area of about 540 km2, of which 120 km2 constitute target areas. The ammunition fired at the range are blank ammunition, practice ammunition, live ammunition, smoke ammunition, pyrotechnics, live explosives and ignition charges. Three specific areas in the shooting range were examined, a hand grenade range, an anti-tank range with target area and firing positions (Karlgrav) and an impact area for long distance shooting (Rivsjöbrändan). Samples from the three areas will be analyzed for TNT and the results will be presented in Part 2, Analyses, Results and Discussion.