Numerical Simulation of Axial Vircator
Publish date: 2008-09-30
Report number: FOI-R--2571--SE
Pages: 30
Written in: Swedish
- vircator
- axial
- simulation
In order to develop microwave weapons targeting electronic equipment a simulation tool is needed. It must model the behaviour of the generated radiation due to the inner geometry and material. This report describes numerical simulations of the FOI axial vircator, the simulation method and the simulation code MAGIC, used in the simulations. Results from experiments with different emitter materials show that the choice of emitter material has great impact on the generated microwaves. Unfortunately only one material model for electron emitting materials is available in MAGIC. One material used in the experiments, carbon fibre, corresponds well with the simulation results. A comparison is made with an experimental parametric study of the dependence of the depth of the resonance cavity on the microwave radiation, as well as a study where the microwave radiation is extracted from different parts of the vircator.