Fragmentation and throw of fragments


  • Martin Nilsson

Publish date: 2011-03-08

Report number: FOI-R--3097--SE

Pages: 24

Written in: Swedish


  • fragments
  • fragmentation
  • experiments
  • models


The aim with this report is to summarise all steps in the process from warhead to lethality model. For each part of the process existing methods and models are described, gaps of knowledge identified and proposals for future work made. The report does not cover the areas of risk and vulnerability of systems and humans. The report briefly describes the difference between natural fragmentation, controlled fragmentation and pre-fragmented warheads and primary and secondary fragments. Further examples of the methodology and modelling of fragmentation, projection angles, velocity, retardation and penetration are described and discussed. In a separate chapter standards and specification regarding fragment simulators are compiled. The aim is to continuously update this report.