Game-based soldier traning


  • Peter Hammar
  • Göran Bergström
  • Janne Åkerström
  • Mirko Thorstensson
  • Per-Anders Oskarsson

Publish date: 2012-12-21

Report number: FOI-R--3540--SE

Pages: 90

Written in: Swedish


  • games
  • serious games
  • soldiers
  • GSS
  • GSS/T
  • learning
  • education
  • training
  • game based training


In this report we study the possibilities with game based training for squad leaders, soldiers and sailors, with the aim of being able to, at a low transaction cost, carry out game based training to meet demands on new capabilities. This is done as part of a larger work to identify and describe computer-based methods and tools that might be used to enhance the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) training, education, planning, analysis, studies and exercises. To shed light on the possible use for game based training, we describe the training, education, and the expected career for an employed soldier. We also discuss limitations regarding the career and expected competence level for the class of soldiers that are employed for part-time service. We conclude that parttime service will negatively affect the ability at squad level, which might lead to longer time during exercises, before required skill levels are in place, compared to units of soldiers serving full-time. Theories concerning learning and competences, as well as development on individual and squad level, are summarized. Serious games are also described. Some aspects of these, such as effectiveness, efficiency and risks, are explained in the context of soldier training. In the report we also look at some aspects of serious games and simulations for soldier training, among them realism, feedback and motivation, as well as a few military examples of applied game based training. In the report suggestions are given on how computer games might be used for training of part-time soldiers at times when the part-time soldier is not actively serving with the SAF. One of the main goals is to show how the SAF may uphold the efficiency in squads primarily consisting of part-time soldiers. We put forward the idea that game based training for part time soldiers is best used when distributed or LAN-based gaming solutions are used to uphold the group dynamics of a squad.