UXO at shooting ranges. Description of some methods for risk analysis


  • Rickard Forsén

Publish date: 2017-02-17

Report number: FOI-R--4383--SE

Pages: 36

Written in: Swedish


  • UXO
  • unexploded ordnance
  • ammunition
  • munition
  • shooting range
  • disposal
  • risk analysis


This report constitutes support for The Swedish Fortifications Agency in issues that may arise in connection with handing over to civil society of closed shooting ranges and exercise fields. Since unexploded ordnance (UXO) can occur on such land, it may pose a risk for accidents. UXO are ordnance that didn't initiate and explode as intended. As an aid in the development of a national methodology for the transfer of land from military to civilian use, a number of existing tools or methods to make risk analysis associated with the use of closed shooting ranges and exercise fields are described. Tools and methods described are such used in USA, Norway, Canada, Denmark and Sweden. The different methods are reviewed and assessed based on a number of important characteristics such as whether they are quantitative or qualitative, if account is taken of relevant data and how uncertainties are handled, etc. The proposal is given that more comprehensive methods should be used where relevant parameters are included even if in some cases they must be obtained through estimations and assessments. Output should be in the form of quantitative risks giving the opportunity to compare the hazard of unexploded ordnance with other phenomena such as hazard associated with accidents involving dangerous goods in industries or during transport.