NCS3 2014 final report


  • Lars Westerdahl

Publish date: 2017-03-06

Report number: FOI-R--4404--SE

Pages: 19

Written in: Swedish


  • Industrial Control Systems
  • ICS
  • Security


The National Centre for increased security in industrial control systems (NCS3) is a programme commissioned by The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). The main part of the work within the programme is conducted by the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Linköping while the remaining part of the work is done at FOI in Stockholm. The activities for 2014 were both externally directed, as well as internally with the purpose of consolidating NCS3. The activities covered giving courses, development of new courses and the conduction of studies. The course Security in control systems (SIK) was given four times and a pilot of a new incident handling course were given three times. Also, a course was given within the Nordic CERT Cooperation. A reunion for former participants in the SIK course was given. Members of NCS3 participated at ten occurrences in different conferences to market NCS3 or give talks. The consolidating part of the activities consisted of course development, enhancements of the pedagogical tools and by conducting studies. A course module for practicing incident handling was created and a plan for creating a miniature landscape was put into action. Two technical studies were performed on Virtual Local Networks (VLAN) and Reactive Networks. Also, two sector studies were performed which targeted rail-bound traffic in Sweden and products within the health sector.