The white hate: radical nationalism in digital environments


  • Lisa Kaati
  • Nazar Akrami
  • Katie Asplund Cohen
  • Eric Hartshorne
  • Tim Isbister
  • Magnus Sahlgren

Publish date: 2017-11-13

Report number: FOI-R--4463--SE

Pages: 58

Written in: Swedish


  • white supremacy
  • immigration critic
  • xenophobia
  • hate speech
  • hate


This report presents research carried out within the project (Ku2016/01373/D - Uppdrag till Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) att göra kartläggningar och analyser av våldsbejakande extremistisk propaganda) that has been assigned to the Swedish Defence Research Agency by the Swedish Government. The purpose of this report is to provide insight into different digital environments with xenophobia as the common denominator. We also describe how psychology can explain prejudices and xenophobia and how prejudices can turn into hate as well as how hate can be communicated on the Internet. We have studied some Swedish immigration critic digital environments; how these environments communicate and what they communicate about. We have also studied how masculinity and women's views are expressed in radical nationalist environments and we conclude with discussing some of the problems we see with the Internet and extremist digital messages.