Damage assessment for exercise in battle recovery - Methods


  • Charlie Hagerman
  • Niklas Johansson
  • Mats Hartmann
  • Rolf Jarlås
  • Martin Nilsson

Publish date: 2019-12-11

Report number: FOI-R--4858--SE

Pages: 25

Written in: Swedish


  • Visby
  • corvette
  • battle damage
  • evaluation
  • Aval
  • battle damage recovery


Within the project "SSS - Skadetålighet, underlag för träning", a battle damage evaluation for corvette Visby has been performed. The evaluation was performed with the software Aval for a number of scenarios concerning internal burst from exploding ammunition. The Aval model used was provided by FMV (Swedish Defence Material Administration) and was largely complete for use in the evaluation. Some necessary changes and modifications of the model were performed. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide data for battle damage to be used in exercises of combat damage recovery. The types of damages that were assessed were loss of personnel, loss of systems and water leakage. This report presents the methods used in the evaluation and methods for presenting the results of said evaluation. Evaluation of personnel loss was performed utilizing both pre-modelled crew and added "damage indicators", providing kill probabilities for crew in various rooms of the ship. The premodelled fault tree was used for evaluating systems damage. Water leakage evaluation consisted of summarizing areas of the holes created by warhead fragments penetrating the hull of the ship and then calculating the flow of water into the ship. The results were presented through a number of diagrams and tables (in separate reports). In addition, an Excel tool was created where the evaluation results are efficiently used for creating battle damage scenarios useful for recovery exercises. This report further provides examples of presentation of results in form of various diagrams, plots and tables produced in the evaluation. In addition to these forms of results presentation, an Excel tool was created with the purpose of utilizing the results from the evaluation for creation of battle damage scenarios useful for recovery exercises. This tool was distributed to Sjöstridsskolan for use in preparations for the exercise Swenex 2019.