Hazard Protection
FOI has Sweden’s leading experts in the field of material and protection against chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) substances. We provide expert support to authorities and other customers. Our activities are focused on three main areas.
Within technical CBR protection we work with:
Detection of chemical and biological substances
Where there is a risk of the spread of hazardous substances there is an urgent need for rapid and reliable alarm systems with low false alarm rates to ensure timely detection and warning. FOI works on both the development of detection instruments and the evaluation of commercial systems. The Swedish Armed Forces and the defence industry are the main customers in this area. FOI also participates in a number of Vinnova and EU-financed projects in this field.
Physical protection – both collective and personal
FOI has advanced measuring systems to study exposure to hazardous substances with various types of protection, for example filters for buildings and vehicles, protective clothing and masks.
Decontamination - how clean is clean?
FOI has expertise in the decontamination of chemical and radioactive substances both at laboratory scale and at full scale in the field.