Weapons, Protection and Security
FOI’s activities in this area represent Sweden’s accumulated expertise is such areas as explosives and weapon effects. These activities also support the civil community’s capacity to resist and combat terrorism.
Energetic Materials
Energetic materials are at the heart of most of today’s weapon systems and are necessary for the delivery of the weapon to its target. In civil applications large amounts of energetic materials are used, for example in rock blasting, space flight, and airbags for vehicle safety. Terrorism and asymmetric warfare has led to problems with homemade bombs, something that has triggered a drastic increase in interest in the ability to detect explosive substances in both civil and military contexts.
Warheads and Propulsion
FOI engages in research covering launch and propulsion technology, warhead technology focusing mainly on their explosive effect, high-power microwave (HPM) electromagnetic warheads and underwater technology (hydrodynamics, signatures, weapons and protection). The scientific work makes use of the development of theoretical and numerical models supported by broadly based experimental activities.
Weapons and Protection
The programme area Weapons and Protection is oriented towards the core competence of the Swedish Armed Forces – the capacity to engage in armed conflict – and more especially towards the constant duel between conventional weapons and protection against them. Work in this area also supports the civil community and its need for safety and security in the face of terrorism and large scale accidents. This activity has unique experimental resources to draw upon which make it possible to carry out anything from standard testing to detailed studies of the interaction between both current and future warheads and protection technologies.