FoRMA 2003 Network analyses


  • Lindberg Mats
  • Thorén Patrik

Publish date: 2003-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1038--SE

Pages: 35

Written in: Swedish


The FoRMA Network group participated two times in Swedish Defence Long Range Planning Games in the year 2003. The purpose was to identify demands on the Network during the games. Since the games were not designed to look at Network issues, we solved the task by describing the structure of the scenarios played, and the structure of the information exchanges in those situations. During the games, we also articulated some demands on the Network. Those have been translated into proposed services. We have found that the Long Range Planning Games should be modified to deal with Network issues. We do not believe it is sufficient to merely add Network issues to "usual" games, because of the fundamentally different structure in the future Defence, compared to today´s and yesterday´s Defence. Therefore we recommend that more weight must be put on the planning of the games to allow for more detailed analyses of the operational demands on the Network.