Intelligent Physical Protection Systems - methods and techniques
Publish date: 2006-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1993--SE
Pages: 36
Written in: Swedish
Intrusions into different types of physical establishments have become more and more common. The purpose of such intrusions is generally theft, terror attacks and other types of criminal activities. Generally, the establishments subject to such intrusions are equipped with alarms using video cameras, sensors and other types of detectors to determine these activities. However, when the alarm goes off it is often too late to carry out any powerful counter activity to stop the attempts. As in many cases, large values are at stake and as the costs for watching the establishments are high, other means to stop the intruders to diminish the consequences are needed. The solution to this problem is to design and develop a computer system equipped with multiple sensors, algorithms for sensor data analysis and a set of decision support tools. The purpose is to prevent intrusion by observing the activities that occur outside the establishments and to quickly and effectively determine whether they can be considered suspicious or abnormal. Through the detection of such activities it will become possible to prepare for an intrusion in advance either by preventing it or to diminish its consequences.