Energy Security: Sweden's and Europe's Dependence on Imported Energy Carriers


  • Larsson Robert L

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2092--SE

Pages: 77

Written in: Swedish


This study of energy security encompassed a discussion on what the threats toward Sweden´s and the EU:s energy security looks like. The aim of the study is to point out a set of central issues connected to our common energy security and dependence on imported energy carriers. The objective is to underscore existing problems and possible solutions at the political level. One result is that on the global arena, trends are pointing towards increased importance for the EU:s, the US´, India`s and China´s augmenting energy demands, which in a ten to twenty year perspective will lead to increased competition and frictions. A key issue will be whether consumers and producers will be able to find a common framework of cooperation. A related issue is to increasing militarization of energy issues, as an increasing amount of energy infrastructure is protected by military forces. This leads to a situation of serious tension.