Creativity as a threat and an opportunity in the core business


  • Jonas Westin
  • Eric Sjöberg

Publish date: 2007-07-26

Report number: FOI-R--2288--SE

Pages: 45

Written in: Swedish


  • kreativitet
  • kreativ problemlösning
  • antagonist
  • angrepp
  • creativity
  • creative problemsolving
  • attack


The aim of this study is to examine creativity and creative problem solving, and the factors that have an influence on the ability to creative problem solving. The study will also give framework for continues studies in the area in order to help to create protective measures that are effective against, and take a creative attacker into consideration. Creativity is in this study defined as an activity that results in something new, original and useful. Creativity and creative problem solving are interesting to examine because an attacker can use procedures that is difficult to foresee and take into consideration in the deferences. Using knowledge about the factors that affects creativety, as well as knowledge of the underlying processes behind different forms of problem solving, a number of crucial conditions for successful problem solving during an attack can be identified.