Final report from project Situation and Threat analysis for Battlegroup 2011


  • Pontus Svenson
  • Pontus Hörling
  • Peter Berggren
  • Joel Brynielsson
  • Luigi Ferrara
  • Robert Forsgren
  • Gunnar Holm
  • Andreas Horndahl
  • Lisa Kaati
  • Birgitta Kylesten
  • Mikael Lundin
  • Christian Mårtenson
  • Johan Schubert
  • Eric Sjöberg
  • Pernilla Svan
  • Per Svensson
  • Edward Tjörnhammar
  • Johan Walter

Publish date: 2009-12-31

Report number: FOI-R--2859--SE

Pages: 43

Written in: Swedish


  • information fusion
  • information management
  • analysis support tools
  • situation assessment
  • threat assessment
  • intelligence analysis
  • indicators
  • social network analysis
  • Semantic Wiki


The project "Situations- och hotanalys för battle group 2011" ("Situation and threat assessment for battle group 2011") within the C4ISTAR R&D programme of the Swedish Armed Forces has during the three year 2007 to 2009 worked in three main areas: Impactorium: A suite of tools for reporting, modelling, fusion and analysis of intelligence, sensor and observation reports with the aim to enable sorting and filtering of reports and, combined with indicator models, obtain early, warnings of probable events. Semantic MilWiki: An extension of the Wiki concept for information categorization and retrieval based on semantic content. FOI SNA Tool: Tools for collaborative distributed social network analysis (SNA), developed in collaboration with an EU project. ´The project has also conducted research on modelling of conflicts and indicators, information supply for high-level fusion system using semantic techniques, abstraction of networks, management of uncertainty in social network analysis, collection management for Impactorium and plan recognition with algebraic methods. Direct support to the Swedish Armed Forces has been delivered, inter alia, in the form of support to GLC/NOC work, expert participation in demonstrations of commercial software for the Swedish Armed Forces and a report on modern database technology. The project has cooperated with various external stakeholders, including the Swedish Armed Forces unit for concept development in Enköping JCDEC (FMKE), University of Skövde and its information fusion research group, Umeå University, the National Defence College´s research on intelligence and Singapore. The project has also participated in two NATO-groups and co-funded a research project within the EU security research programme. The project has supplied software for two experiments in FMKE, organized user tests and conducted an experiment in cooperation with Singapore. The project also participated in the FOI joint demonstration LedDoV in 2008 anf performed a final demonstration in December 2009. Work with the Impactorium tools will continue in an R&D-transfer project 2010-2011. Research within the area of information fusion and information management continues in the project "Verktyg för informationshantering och -analys"("Tools for information management and analysis") 2010-2012.