Educational needs for civil defence


  • Fredrik Lindgren
  • Ann Ödlund

Publish date: 2016-01-15

Report number: FOI-R--4194--SE

Pages: 50

Written in: Swedish


  • Civil defence
  • heightened alert
  • education
  • educational needs
  • MSB
  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
  • governmental authorities
  • county
  • administrative boards


This study is performed on behalf of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in order to map and describe educational needs in the area of civil defence and heightened alert, as expressed by the government authorities (including MSB) and the County Administrative Boards. The survey and the interviews that form the basis for the study was conducted between April and November 2015. The results indicate various needs of increased knowledge and education. Educational needs to create a basis for further work on civil defence to prepare the different actors in society to take on and manage the development of a modern civil defence. Examples: the characteristics, goals and aims of the Swedish civil defence, roles and responsibilities of the actors. Educational needs concerning heightened alert include needs directed at specific actors and their roles and tasks during heightened alert and war. Examples: military threats, modern warfare and specific legislation. Educational needs on planning methods are related to intra- and inter-organizational activities such as coordination, common planning methods and prioritizing between different needs. In terms of prioritizing between different educational needs, the study concludes that there is a need to raise the general level of knowledge on civil defence prior to tailored education targeted at specific audiences. Several different educational forms are suggested in the report, including web based education, traditional teaching and workshops.