Assessment Games - An Overview
Publish date: 2017-12-20
Report number: FOI-R--4473--SE
Pages: 34
Written in: Swedish
- Disruptive Technology Assessment Game
- Concept Develop-ment Assessment Game
- Security Emerging Technology Assessment Game
- games
- technology assessment
So called Assessment Games are finding more uses in the defence and security sectors. The use of games for assessment is of course nothing new, but the kind of Assessment Games that have been gaining interest during the last decade share some characteristics. The first of these games was the Disruptive Technology Assessment Game (DTAG), which was developed in two Nato studies during 2006-2011. The methodology has since been adapted for concept development (Concept Development Assessment Game, CDAG) and assessment of technologies for security uses (Security Emerging Technology Assessment Game, SETAG). This report summarizes background, characteristics and experiences of these Assessment Games. The DTAG and the CDAG methodology is frequently used today within Nato as well as within nations. Others are showing interest and it is therefore important to spread knowledge of the methodologies. DTAG and CDAG could also be useful tools within the medium and long term planning processes in the Swedish Armed Forces.