Electromagnetic threats against wireless systems
Publish date: 2020-05-18
Report number: FOI-R--4838--SE
Pages: 46
Written in: Swedish
- Electromagnetic threats
- wireless systems
- cyber-physical systems
This report presents a study carried out by the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) on behalf of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). The study aims to support the ongoing work to raise awareness about electromagnetic threats against wireless communication in cyber-physical systems. The report briefly summarizes the threat against critical infrastructure and systems in our society, and presents examples of intentional and non-intentional disruptions that has taken place in Sweden. Additionally, hypothetical scenarios of attacks and interruptions, as well as measures against electromagnetic threats, based on experiences among Swedish authorities, are presented. A short summary of existing regulations aimed to increase security against electromagnetic threats concludes the report. The majority of the measures identified in this study are either preventive in character, or are part of a strategic and comprehensive effort to raise awareness, increase spread of information, and enhance security. Based on the study´s collected result, a number of areas for further studies are proposed.