Laser based 3-D imaging new capabilities for optical sensing
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0856--SE
Pages: 104
Written in: English
We are living in a three-dimensional world. The potential to image this world with cm resolution at full video rate and at both close and very long ranges will revolutionize many military and civilian applications. Many applications are found for example in robotics, rapid terrain visualization, augmented vision, reconnaissance and target recognition, weapon guidance including aim point selection and many others. The net-centric warfare will demand high resolution geo-data for a common description of the environment, for mission planning, for sensor management and sensor fusion, electronic warfare and communication and many others functions related to the network concept. One very important capability of 3 D imaging is to be able to see through dense camouflage and dense vegetation. The ultimate solution for laser imaging might be a one-shot full 3D solution using a focal plane array with intensity and range (time) sensitive pixels. This report will discuss the technical status of 3 D focal plane arrays (3 D FPA) and other approaches and discuss applications for them, especially for long-range target identification and for terminal guidance. We describe the technology as found in open sources but also give examples of 3 D imaging and related activities at FOI. Hopefully we will convince the reader about the importance of this area. Some recommendations for further plans are given.