Inventory of technical decision support for military operations in urban terrain - TEBE final report
Publish date: 2005-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1819--SE
Pages: 74
Written in: Swedish
This is the final report from a one-year projekt to study the possibilities of decision support for military operations in urban terrain. The goal was to explore how important sub-systems of such a system shall be designed and evaluated based on user needs and also to propose a continued project. By means of field studies, user experiments, intervjues and contacts with operative units, user needshave been surveyed. A survey has also been made by analysing possibilities and preconditions from a technology perspective. The result is a description of a continued project with a focus on a technology contents. The continued project is based on the rapid, curent developments in - topographic mapping and property extraction, generation of 3Dmodels from measured data, and the possibility to integrate changes in geoinfo. It is also assuming that the fast increase in performance in porable computers and PDAs will continue. A basic assumption is that 3D-information is decisive to make good decisions in urban terrain. An assumption is also that there is a need for tactical mapping and user controlled updates of geoinfo. Added to this is the associated information of intelligence that is associated with time, place and position in 3D. The objective for a continued project is to have developed a concept for technical decision support and to have validated specific subfunctions by means of user experiments and field studies.