Final report for the project dynamic duel simulations of electronic warfare
Publish date: 2012-03-14
Report number: FOI-R--3301--SE
Pages: 36
Written in: Swedish
- simulation
- electronic warfare
- electro-optic (EO)
- radar
- communications
- federation
- EWSim
- EWPlan
- infrared
This report summarizes the project Dynamic duel simulations of electronic warfare simulation in the research and development (R & T) program for Electronic warfare from 2009 to 2011. The project has had an overall objective to demonstrate duel simulation tools that can be used for the development of combat techniques and tactics for future electronic warfare operations. This was implemented by the use of the EWSim (Electronic Warfare Simulation interface model) framework for distributed electronic warfare simulations and, if necessary, new models were integrated and developed. The framework consists of three parts: Scenario planning and configuration (NetScene) where different platforms (such as tanks and helicopters) can be configured with various components (eg sensors and weapons) and, in addition, the scope of calculations are performed. Dynamic duel, where in one scenario, the components interact in a simulated environment. The simulated time can go in real time, faster than real time or slower than real time. Evaluation, where duels can be replayed and logged data can be analyzed. The framework allows complex scenarios to be evaluated in duels where radar optoelectronics and communications are included simultaneously with electronic warfare. In collaboration with R & T project Future needs in the VMS the modeling of a generic warning and countermeasure system for self-protection has been implemented. The system can mimic everything from complex ship systems with the operator in the loop to a simpler fully automated system on a smaller platform. A model of a radar signal equipment has been developed and can be included in the generic VMS. The project has started to create a model of a new active radar missile and of a modern imaging IR missile. There is also a new framework for robot models in EWSim. Methodology for using signal strength measuring receivers to calculate the position of a transmitter with unknown output has been developed within the project and catches much attention. A study of combining data from different surveillance systems has resulted in a map showing the probability that the target is in a certain point. We have developed new models for radar and infrared signature on platforms in the planning tool. This has been used during the annual exercise that Air Defense and Air Force implements called FOCUS. Also implemented are new visualizations of surface coverage in 3D showing the sensor ranges with the effect of electronic warfare. A Model for High Frequency (HF) radio has been added to the planning tool. This model includes data regarding time of day, the moon's position and solar activity in the range calculations. Hkp10b's introduction in Afghanistan lead us to study simulations where tactical air tracks through a mountain pass on the site and ranges of threats and sensors were visualized. This was then presented at the Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL) and was considered very valuable to be able to decide to use the flight paths. EW COMARMS was a feasibility study project directed by the European Defence Agency (EDA), that this project pursued in order to see if it is possible to define a modular hardware and software architecture. The pilot study has generated a number of valuable insights about modularization, model description and requirements and design of new models but a continuation of the EDA-project is not probable. During the period EWSim was further developed to use the specification in the WGS84 reference system and the project has also got a database across the globe, including elevation data in a grid of 30m from NASA. A methodology for using imaging with high dynamic resolution and parallel computing in the Hardware In The Loop simulations have been developed. The project source code is based on custom code and open source software (eg software released under LGPL license) which means that there are no licensing fees for distributing software in the AF. Thus, distribution of programs be made more easily than if they were licensed addiction. Moreover, the use of open source software allows us the freedom to experiment and verify the entire system.