NATO Requirements in Military Unit Requirement Specifications, Experiences and project goals analysis
Publish date: 2011-12-31
Report number: FOI-R--3302--SE
Pages: 45
Written in: Swedish
- Partnership goals
- Nato Task List (NTL)
- Capability Codes and
- Capability Statements
- Military unit specification
The project "NATO requirements for Military Unit Specifications" is managed by the Joint Strategy and Operations Staff, J0 Operational Requirements Division (INSS J0) with support from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and the Swedish Defence Research Agency. The primary goal for the project was to enhance the quality of the military unit requirement specifications for the Armed Forces 2014 by allocating interoperability requirement to the units. The list of NATO requirements will be compiled as a complement to the military unit requirement specifications. Experiences form the project have been gathered and documented in this report to enable the Swedish Armed Forces to learn for future work with NATO requirements and military unit requirement specifications. Several unit representatives stated that it is positive that the NATO requirements finally are added to the military unit requirement specifications. Other units don't think they fit in the NATO structure and some units did not participate at all due to fact that the NATO requirements did not seem appropriate for them. An analysis of how to handle the military units that don't fit within the NATO structure is recommended. The unit representatives thought that workshops were a good way of starting up the work with NATO requirements but in for future work they prefer that the work is led by the Armed Forces Headquarters representative of the military unit assisted by representatives from the military unit at hand. Appropriate templates should be developed and provided to support the continuous work. An attachment with NATO requirements is adjudged to raise the quality with regards to the criterions Clear, Complete, Verifiable and Traceable. The only criterion that probably affects the quality negatively is Correctness.