NCS3 - Overview of work with cyber physical systems on a municipal level
Publish date: 2016-12-31
Report number: FOI-R--4370--SE
Pages: 29
Written in: Swedish
- cyber physical systems
- scada
- industrial information- and control systems
- duc
The purpose of this study was get an overview of what assistance Swedish municipalities would consider relevant in their work towards proper management of the cyber physical systems within their domain. The term "Cyber physical systems" is here used as an including term for digital systems that controls physical processes. Examples of these systems are industrial information- and control systems, SCADA et cetera. A number of municipality managers within IT-, information security and security coordination was interviewed regarding the current status of their work with the cyber physical systems. The results indicate notably varying degrees of structure and process maturity. There seems to be a general desire for help and assistance through means such as guides, check lists, templates and concrete hands-on examples. One specifically noted area is help with mapping of the municipality's cyber physical systems and infrastructure so that actors could get a verification that they are conducting this activity in a correct manner. Another noted area where help would be relevant is about tendering processes. Some municipalities sees the tendering process as a cost and a barrier that requires great judicial and technical skills, while others consider it to be of no bother at all. Other noted areas where help would be appreciated regards how to structure the cyber physical environment according to some sort of best practice, and how to get upper management to increase focus on cyber issues. The complete list of help noted as relevant can be found in appendix B.