Reports and memo Middle East
Below is a selection of reports and memos relating to Middle East which have been published in recent years within the project and/or other related projects at FOI. Publications which do not have a link can be ordered via the Registry at FOI.
- Marianna Serveta, Chasing the Red Apple: Turkey's Quest for Strategic Autonomy, FOI Memo 8568 External link, opens in new window.
- Ismail Khan and Erika Holmquist, Isolated together: Russian-Iranian Military Cooperation, FOI Memo 8528 External link, opens in new window.
- Marianna Serveta and Aras Lindh, Turkiet och Nato - Inrikespolitiska strömningar och säkerhetspolitiskt agerande 1952-2023 ,FOI-R--5512--SE External link, opens in new window.
- Samuel Neuman Bergenwall, När flaggan följer handeln - Indiska flottan spänner musklerna i arabiska vatten, FOI Memo 8447 External link, opens in new window.
- Aron Lund, Montreuxkonventionen under Ukrainakriget, FOI Memo 8429 External link, opens in new window.